Wednesday, February 2, 2011

repulsive bone broth

The last month I have been having a lot of tummy problems.  I have tried many things to ease the pain and repair my intestines but not much has worked.  My friend suggested that I try bone broth.  Since I have been vegetarian for the last 4 years this is something that I really really did not want to do but I told my friend I would try it for a week.  I felt like I would try anything to ease the pain.  So my hubs and I went to the grocery store and bought a whole organic chicken.  Then we came home and Jason went to work on it (I couldn't do it).  24 hours later we had bone broth.  My friend suggested that I eat 8oz everyday in any form that I could stomach.  So the first night I had it in soup form and it wasn't too bad.  Then the next day I drank it with a straw.  BAD CHOICE!  I was on the verge of throwing up for an hour.  And today I almost dumped the whole thing out.  I did not want to get near that nasty stuff again!  I decided to cook couscous with the broth for dinner and Asher and I enjoyed it after I added tons and tons of different flavors so that I couldn't taste the bone broth through it.  Still, knowing that it was cooked with the broth really grossed me out.  I don't know if it's helping and I don't know if I can make it a week.  Plus, for the bone broth to really benefit my tummy I think I would have to drink it everyday for a long time.  At this point I think I will take the pain.  If you don't have a problem with eating meat and drinking bone broth you should try.  It is supposed to be one of the healthiest foods for our body.  click here for info on bone broth and here.

couscous cooked with bone broth

Asher loving the couscous

Asher signing MORE
The couscous dish was really yummy (and would be yummier if it was made with veggie stock and not chicken bone stock).   Here's the recipe I used for the fiesta flavored couscous.  It is yummy and healthy for you and your kids.